Beyond Grants: Innovative Ways Funders Can Support BIPOC-Led Nonprofits

While traditional grantmaking is critical, funders seeking to create meaningful change should think beyond grants to support nonprofits, particularly grassroots and BIPOC-led organizations. The fact remains that the funding gap between BIPOC-led nonprofits and their white-led counterparts remains significant, and many smaller nonprofits do not have ready access to the expertise, networks, and tools they need to be sustainable and maximize their impact.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some uncommon strategies and practices funders can use to support BIPOC-led and grassroots nonprofits beyond traditional grantmaking. From providing capacity-building resources to giving access to online professional development courses, these strategies can help build a more equitable and just social sector that empowers BIPOC-led organizations to create a lasting impact in their communities.

Dismantling Barriers with a Trust-Based Philanthropy Approach 

Trust-based philanthropy is an approach that prioritizes building relationships and trust between funders and grantees. This approach aims to shift the power dynamics in traditional grantmaking models by emphasizing equity, flexibility, transparency, and collaboration. 

In trust-based philanthropy, funders strive to build relationships with grantees based on mutual respect, understanding, and shared goals. This means funders prioritize listening to and learning from grantees rather than imposing their agendas or requirements. 

Trust-based philanthropy also involves providing flexible funding and support that meets each grantee's unique needs and circumstances. This may include providing general operating support, multi-year funding, and capacity-building resources to help grantees strengthen their organizations and achieve their goals. 

Schedule On-Site Visits  

A “do the homework” approach to trust-based philanthropy means going beyond just reading reports and relying on secondhand information. Funders should consider physically visiting the communities and nonprofits they support to build trust and foster authentic relationships with grantees. 

This means meeting people face-to-face and experiencing firsthand the challenges and opportunities that grantees are grappling with. Before a meeting, be sure to communicate the purpose and goals of the visit in advance, sharing an agenda or list of questions to be covered. This can help nonprofit leaders prepare and ensure that the visit addresses their specific needs and concerns. 

Additionally, funders can ask for any relevant documentation or materials in advance, enabling them to review and prepare questions ahead of time. During the visit, funders should prioritize active listening and engagement, asking open-ended questions and seeking to understand the nonprofit's work, challenges, and opportunities.

This approach also demonstrates a commitment to breaking down the systemic barriers that can make it challenging for BIPOC-led nonprofits to access funding and resources. Listening to BIPOC leaders – and providing further support – in turn enables funders to amplify the voices of historically marginalized communities and foster a more equitable social sector.

Provide Mentorship, Peer Support, and Training 

Funders should further consider offering mentorship and training opportunities to enhance the sustainability of BIPOC-led nonprofits. Leveraging technology, funders can ensure nonprofit leaders access personalized, on-demand support from nonprofit professionals to foster growth, scalability, and sustainability.

  • Create online training programs and webinars on relevant topics. Funders can help nonprofit leaders learn specific skills around issues pertinent to their organizations by creating online training courses and webinars. These programs can be self-paced, allowing nonprofit leaders and workers to complete them as needed.

  • Develop a mentorship matching platform that connects BIPOC-led nonprofit founders with experienced mentors. By developing a mentorship matching platform, funders can connect BIPOC-led nonprofit founders with experienced mentors who have relevant experience and can provide guidance and support in specific areas. 

  • Provide an online community platform for nonprofit leaders to connect, share resources, and collaborate. With an online community platform, funders can give BIPOC-led nonprofit leaders a space to connect, share resources, collaborate, and gain insights from peers on how to work through specific challenges. 

Offer Resources Beyond the Check 

Providing support “beyond the check” can make a significant difference for any nonprofit, especially at the grassroots level. Offering expertise, connections, meeting spaces, fundraising technology, and capacity-building support can give BIPOC-led nonprofits access to resources they wouldn’t otherwise have.

Funders can get creative with support, for example, by offering their worksite as a convening space, covering conference opportunities, or providing access to technology resources that can help BIPOC-led nonprofits thrive. As a side benefit, offering open events for the community can help local nonprofits and the greater community get to know the funder organization itself, helping to build trust and foster more meaningful relationships. 

Funders Don’t Need to Work Alone

By adopting the strategies outlined, funders can create more holistic and impactful support for BIPOC-led nonprofits and ultimately help build a more equitable and just social sector. However, it’s understood that some of these recommendations – such as providing access to online training programs and peer learning communities – can be resource-intensive.

That’s where capacity-building providers like Resilia come in. Resilia's Funder Program enables grantors (foundations, corporations, and government offices) to empower their nonprofit partners with back-office and mission-facing technology tools, on-demand 1:1 coaching, peer-to-peer learning, and online training that meets nonprofits where they are in their development. Resilia’s professional resources and proven program helps ensure nonprofits have access to the knowledge and tools they need to manage their organizations, deepen their impact, and achieve long-term sustainability.

Visit the Resilia website's Funder Program page to learn more.

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