Valuable Ways to Celebrate National Nonprofit Day

National Nonprofit Day is next Monday, August 17, and our team at Resilia looks forward to celebrating to show our support.

More than 125 years ago, on August 17, the Tariff Act of 1894 was signed into law. This act included tax exemptions for nonprofits and charitable organizations. Sherita J. Herring later established this date as National Nonprofit Day to spread awareness, empower others to make a difference and to acknowledge those organizations that work hard to aid their communities.

With this celebration nearing, our team would like to share five ways you can commemorate National Nonprofit Day and bring attention to your organization and cause.


1. Share Your Mission

National Nonprofit Day is a great way to spread awareness about your cause and can also serve as an opportunity to start a fresh campaign for your organization. Use the ongoing conversation to give visibility to your nonprofit by preparing messages to share with your audience about upcoming fundraising opportunities. Make sure your supporters know how they can help you.

2. Engage on Social Media

Participate in the digital conversation by using the hashtag #NationalNonprofitDay to extend the reach of your message with potential supporters. Interact with others by liking and sharing posts using the hashtag to show your support for other nonprofits and to build a sense of community across your audience.

3. Recognize Donors

Donors play an important role in making nonprofit operations possible. Whether you share your thanks via social media posts or via a digital donor wall, National Nonprofit Day is a great opportunity to recognize donors and show your appreciation for their continued support.

4. Thank Your Volunteers

Volunteers provide nonprofits with the extra hands needed to carry out the organization’s mission. Foster a sense of community by showcasing your appreciation on social media or via an email to your volunteer list to thank those who help your team achieve its goals.

5. Share Your Outcomes

Whether your organization provides aid to those suffering from a natural disaster, support to those with life-changing illnesses or help to those in need of shelter, food and resources, you have a story to tell. Let people know the difference your team is making in your community and include a call to action that describes how your audience can help your organization continue to make a difference.

Communicating with your donors and exhibiting outcomes are key factors that support a nonprofit’s operations. At Resilia, we help to open channels of communication between nonprofits and grantors, and our platform helps organizations track and share successful program results with their donors. Contact us for a free consultation today.

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